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Olympic View Library

Welcome to the Olympic View Middle School Library!

Video: How to check your library account 


Olympic View Library

Questions? Contact Donna Peterson (librarian) or Danica Jensen (library clerk).



The library collection includes more than 12,000 print and non-print resources including audiobooks & e-books through Sora.

Library Hours

  • 7:35am - 2:45pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
  • 8:00am - 2:45pm Wednesdays
  • 7:35am - 1:30pm Fridays


Drop in library times:

7:35 - 8 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

LUNCH BUNCH on Fridays

after school by appointment Monday - Thursday


Mrs. Peterson is available for questions and help Mondays-Fridays (except when teaching scheduled classes).

Mrs. Jensen (library clerk) available from 10am-3:00pm.

What to read next?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Every OV Pirates visits library during their English/Language Arts (ELA) class. Usually it's every other week - 

    "O" week = all 6th graders, Lewis' classes, Robert's classes

    "V" week = remaining 7th graders, Harrington's classes

  • Please let Mrs. Peterson know if a book has been damaged. We will work together to repair it or to determine if it needs to be replaced. If a book is lost, let Mrs. Peterson know and you can discuss whether you'd like to replace the book or pay the fine. We can offer working (often reading) off a fine by appointment. 

  • We learn about library organization, genres, and how to choose a “just right” book. Book talk and author spotlights are often highlighted. Lessons are taught on the research process, how to access and evaluate information from various resources (nonfiction and reference books, online databases, blogs, websites, etc.), digital citizenship. We also learn about different technology tools and work on classroom projects.

  • 3 print books (not including textbooks) and 2 electronic/audio books for a 2 week lending period. You can always return a book before the end of the 2 week check out period to check out a new one! Students that show responsibility with library books are allowed up to 5 library books at a time.

  • All library boooks are due 2 weeks after checkout. At that time, your library book account may be closed until you return the books, renew your books, and if lost, resolve the book fine.

  • If you are not finished with a book when it's due, you can often renew it at your next scheduled library time! Please message Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Jensen in Schoology to renew it by the due date to avoid late notices and the ability to check out new books. If the book is on hold for another student, we will not be able to renew it and need it returned asap!  Thank you for understanding.